Every year, thousands of high school students participate in Hadassah's road safety seminar. The seminar promotes awareness in attempt to reduce the level of teenage involvement in road accidents. This project was launched in 2005, and has hosted more than 20,000 teenagers.
Teenage drivers are involved in accidents 2.5 times more than any other age group. Teenage drivers, lacking experience, are motivated by emotion, instinct, and peer pressure.
The seminar focuses on the heavy price paid by those injured in road accidents, as well as the physical and psychological impact on the victims. The program includes meetings with senior physicians, simulation of driving under the influence, and a discussion with an accident victim. Meeting the doctors dealing with this type of trauma, hearing personal testimonies, and the discussing the issues with social workers has a lasting impact on the students.
The seminar is run by volunteers in cooperation with Hadassah, the Municipality of Jerusalem, the National Authority for road safety and the "Or Yarok" association. Hadassah sees this project as an important contribution to road safety and accident prevention.