The Pediatric Cardiology Department cares for children born with heart defects, and treats heart diseases which manifest during childhood. Also treats fetuses, newborns, children and adults with congenital heart defects or specific acquired heart diseases.
Physicians in Alphabetical Order
Dr. Gavri Sagui - Acting Head of Depatment
Dr. Abu-Zahira Ibrahim - Resident
Dr. Berger Aviv - Resident
Dr. Golender Julius - Senior Cardiologist
Dr. Yaakobi Nurit - Senior Cardiologist
Dr. Mainzer Gur-Arie - Resident
Dr. Natshe Juma - Resident
Dr. Perles Zeev - Senior Cardiologist
Prof. Rein Azaria - Senior Cardiologist
Dr. Ta-Shma Assaf - Senior Cardiologist
Outpatient Clinics
Pediatric Cardiology Consultation
A tertiary care clinic for newborns and children referred after a pediatrician, cardiologist or general practitioner suspects a cardiac disease. The most frequent reason for referral is due to the auscultatory finding of a murmur.
Established in 1998, this unique clinic is a joint project of the Pediatric Cardiology Unit and the Department of Genetics. A cardiologist and a geneticist examine the child and question the parents to offer specific genetic counseling to the family of the affected child or fetus. Explanations about the disease and its transmission are provided and the risk of recurrence is discussed with the family. Pregnant women who carry a fetus with a cardiac defect are also referred to this clinic. In addition to a thorough explanation of the disease and planning of the birth, emphasis on postnatal care and prognosis is stressed.
In-Hospital Services
The unit's pediatric cardiologists take care of children admitted to different departments of the Medical Center, namely: Pediatrics; Neonatology; Pediatric Surgery; and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
For more information - visit our Hadassah Children's Hospital website by clicking here