Identification tags control
Physical measurements
Routine medical treatment given to the baby:
Giving of Vitamin K
Giving a vaccine against infectious Hepatitis
Treatment against eye infection
Neonatologist examination
Neonatal Red Reflux test
Checking identification tags
The baby is transferred from the delivery room to the department by a midwife and a family member, in a closed crib and well covered. Arriving at the department, we will check the identification tags - plastic bracelets (such as in the picture to the right) with the mother's name on it, ID number and tag number, on the tags attached to the newborn's arm and leg. Every time the baby leaves the nursery, the nurse will check the ID tags with the mother or ther family member carrying an ID card with the tag number written on it.
Physical measurements
Two hours ago the baby was staying in his mothers womb and now he is expected to adapt to the outside life. The baby will be thoroughly examined by a nurse from head to toe. His fever will be taken with an electronic thermometer under the armpit and he will be weighed and heated as necessary. A little while later, a first pampering bath will be given to the baby with the full consent of the parents, after which he will be dried off and dressed according to the necessity.
Routine meidcal treatment given to the baby
After the mother signs the forms agreeing to the treatments, the baby will recieve the following treatment, according to orders by the Ministry of Health, to protect his health. Before administering any vaccine, injecting or pricking, we recommend giving the baby a little bit of sugar water by slowly dripping it into the mouth about 2 minutes before the procedure, to prevent or lessen expected pain. We also recommend breastfeeding right after the procedures are done.
Giving Vitamin K
All babies get vitamin K by injection, and it is vital to their health.
Vaccine against infectious hepatitis
As part of the worldwide effort to stop infections of Hepatitis B and to prevent liver cancer (a common complication of Hepatitis B carriers), every baby in Israel is vaccinated against the virus. The first vaccine is given just after birth, and two more are administered at one month's age and 6 months' age.
Treatment against eye infections
Exposure and contact with many infectious factors in the cervix and vagina might cause eye infections. Hence, according to guidelines by the Ministry of Health, each and every baby born in Hadassah hospitals is treated with antibiotic eye ointment. It is a one-time treatment and it is done in the first two hours after birth, by gently spreading the ointment around the eyes with a sterilized Q-tip.
Neonatologist examination
Every baby is examined by a neonatologist within the first 12 hours after birth. The first examination will be performed in the hospitalization room next to the mother. The doctor will ask for details about the pregnancy and birth and wil perform an extensive physical exam to the baby. The doctor will explain his findings to the mother and she will have the chance to ask questions.