Disease Information

Our department and corresponding clinics provide comprehensive hematology care to patients with all types of hematological diseases. Below is a partial list of the common blood diseases we treat.


Iron deficiency, B12 or folic acid deficiency, thalassemia trait (or thalassemia intermedia or major), anemia of chronic disorders, sideroblastic anemia. Hemolytic anemias, including G6PD deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis, immune hemolytic anemias, PNH. Abnormal hemoglobins, such as sickle cell anemia, unstable hemoglobins, other hemoglobinopathies, such as sickle cell disease, Hb SC, Hemoglobin O-Arab, Hemoglobin Lepore.

Anemia is the most common hematological problem and may be multifactorial, making it complicated to treat and diagnose. We would be happy to have you see one of our general hematologists for help with diagnosis and therapy (Prof Deborah Rund, Dr. Ada Goldfarb, Dr. Orly Zelig).

Excess of Red Blood Cells (polycythemia) or Other Blood Components

These conditions can be caused by a number of problems and need to be evaluated by one of our general hematologists to determine the specific diagnosis and most appropriate course of treatment. These diseases include chronic leukemias, thrombocytosis, and myelofibrosis. Depending on the type of disease, please consult one of our general hematologists (Prof. Deborah Rund, Dr. Ada Goldfarb, Dr. Orly Zelig). Patients with CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) should consult Prof. Dina Ben-Yehuda.

Clotting Disorders

This includes a number of conditions such as too few or too many platelets (ITP or essential thrombocytosis) or platelet function problems (which may be mild and difficult to diagnose and can be hereditary or acquired). In addition, many types of coagulation problems may be diagnosed, including abnormalities of the PT and the PTT (due to hereditary or acquired deficiencies of clotting factors). Aside from bleeding disorders, hypercoagulability evaluation is an increasingly important part of a hematological evaluation. All of these problems can be directed to Prof. David Varon, our coagulation specialist, in his Coagulation Clinic twice weekly.

Malignant Diseases

These include Lymphomas, including Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. There are several dozen types of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, each with its own diagnostic and prognostic parameters. In addition, there are many types of leukemias including chronic leukemias such as CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), CML (chronic myeloid leukemia), or hairy cell leukmia (HCL); acute leukemias such as acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and diseases of plasma cells, such as plasmacytomas, multiple myeloma and Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia. All of our hematologists (except Prof. Varon) can evaluate and treat patients with hematological malignancies - Dr. Ora Paltiel and Prof. Polliack assess lymphoma patients in Lymphoma Clinic, Prof. Dina Ben-Yehuda also sees many lymphoma patients in her outpatient clinic.

For additional information on the hematological diseases, we've added a number of websites with information. Some of these are general and some a specific to a particular disease.

1) Thalassemia: www.Thalassemia.com

2) Hematological Diseases:
www.patientcenters.com/lymphoma; www.icrf.org/aboutcancer/specificcancers;

3) Bleeding Disorders: