The need for anesthesia exists for any procedure performed in the OR, and the need for sedation is for procedures done outside the OR.
For the best results of many tests and treatments, cooperation and complete stillness is required from the child patient. Those are difficult and sometimes impossible tasks for children, especially if when the procedures are painful. The sedation and anesthesiology services are meant to help the child pass the test or treatment with ease,
Sedatives or anesthetics are given to the child under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and a nurse, while considering his age and medical condition. The team has proper equipment which allowes close and continuous surveillance of the child's responeses to the sedatives or anesthetics. The team's special skills include creating a calm and relaxed ambiance and considering the individual needs of every child personally.
Usually, before anesthesia or sedation, the family will meet the anesthesiologist and will recieve a detailed explanation about the process. In addition, the child will undergo general testing in order to design the appropriate treatment for him.
On the day of the procedure, the child will have to be fasting. The medication is administered in a number of ways according to the type of drug and the will of the child: inhilation (mask), intravenous injection (IV), through the digestion system (drinking, suppository).
After the treatment or examination the child will wake up in his parents arms and recuperate.
It is important to remember that anesthesia and sedation are important processes in the child's treatment.
The anesthesia departments
Ein Kerem
Pediatric anesthesia unit
Mt. Scopus
The Anesthesiology and sedation unit, Dept. of Anesthesiology